Release Notes July 2022

Skills of a person can be assigned by configuring them in administration and then assigning them to a person. 

Configure skills (Admin only)

Manage your skills in the Administration section. You can configure a skill by giving it a title and a description. 

Navigate to Administration > People > Skills.

Add a new skill

  1. Click +Add skill.
  2. Enter a skill title and a description (Note: title is a mandatory field).
  3. Click Add to save record.

Edit a skill

  1. Click on an existing skill name or click mceclip8.png next to the corresponding skill and select Edit.
  2. Update name/description.
  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Remove a skill

  1. Click on an existing skill name, this will direct the user to the edit screen.
  2. Click the Remove skill button, OR
  3. Click mceclip8.pngnext to the corresponding skill and select Remove.


Assigning Skill in the people modal

A skill can be assigned when creating a new person; or can be added to an existing person’s record.

Assign skill/s when setting up a new person

  1. Navigate to Resources > People.
  2. Click + Add person.
  3. Follow these steps to enter relevant person details.
  4. In step 6, Click + Add skill to assign a skill.
  5. Select skill/s from the list > click Add to assign.
  6. Once skill/s have been assigned, follow the steps of adding a person.

Assign skill/s to an existing person

  1. Navigate to Resources > People.
  2. Select a person from the list.
  3. Click Skills tab > click + Add skill to assign skill/s.
  4. Select skill/s from the list > click Add to assign.
  5. Click Save on modal to commit changes.

Remove assigned skill/s

  1. Navigate to Resources > People.
  2. Click mceclip8.pngagainst a skill and select Remove.
  3. Removing a skill will deallocate that skill against that person.
  • Removed column headers from Template list, asset list and event list when empty state is displayed.
  • Fixed the rectangle icon alignment issue in Hierarchy tab within the Event modal.
  • Improved event title character validation where the event title could previously be saved with an invalid character i.e. a space.
  • Fixed an issue where the event title would not update in the hierarchy tab when the title was updated via the header. 
  • Removed empty space from unfollow event toast message within the dashboard.
  • Addressed disappearance of conflict chip when a new event was added.
  • Fixed an incorrect message text that would appear when removing a currency from Administrator.
  • Column headers are now singular for Event type, Position and Qualification.
  • Date and time picker designs have now been made consistent between the event modal and event list.